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Get Parser

This guide explains how to retrieve a specific parser from your account using its ID.

Get a parser by ID#

API Endpoint#


Path Parameters#

  • template_id (required): The unique identifier of the parser you want to retrieve.

Example implementation using Python#

import requests
# Your API keyapi_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
template_id = 'YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID'url = f"{template_id}"
headers = {  'x-api-key': api_key}
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:    print('Parser retrieved successfully')    print(response.json())else:    print('Failed to retrieve parser')    print(response.text)

Successful response body#

Example response with status code 200:

{    "template_id": "710a20fc-e280-43eb-9a9f-5436e600c710",    "template_title": "Custom Invoice Parser",    "template_type": "Invoice",    "template_category": "other",    "template_schema": {        "fields": [            {                "name": "buyer_name",                "type": "text",                "description": "name of the buyer"            },            {                "name": "total_amount",                "type": "number"            },            {                "name": "line_items",                "type": "table",                "description": "invoice line items",                "subFields": [                    {                        "name": "description",                        "type": "text",                        "description": "description of item"                    },                    {                        "name": "subtotal",                        "type": "number"                    }                ]            }        ]    },    "email_id": "",    "webhook_url": null,    "parser_config": {        "parse_email_attachments": true,        "parse_email_body": false,        "date_format": null,        "outbound_integration": null,        "ocr_config": {            "engine": "aws_textract",            "detect_layout": true,            "detect_tables": false,            "remove_headers": true,            "remove_footers": true,            "remove_tables": false        },        "query_config": {            "query_model": "gpt-4o-mini",            "set_max_output_tokens": false,            "include_example": false,            "minimize_tokens": true,            "selected_language": null        }    },    "created_at": "2023-11-15T12:13:12.056281"}

Error responses#

  • If the parser is not found (status code 404):
{    "success": false,    "error": "not_found",    "message": "Parser not found"}
  • For other errors (status codes 400, 401, 403, and 500):
{    "success": false,    "error": "error_code",    "message": "descriptive error message"}

Using the retrieved parser#

Once you've successfully retrieved a parser, you can use its details to:

  1. Understand the structure of data it extracts (template_schema).
  2. See its configuration settings (parser_config).
  3. Use its template_id for other operations, such as updating the parser or processing documents with it.
  4. Check its associated email address (email_id) for submitting documents via email.

Remember to handle potential errors in your application, especially the case where a parser might not be found.