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Connect Webhook

Webhooks allow you to receive parsed data directly to your server in real-time. DocumentPro offers two types of webhooks:

  1. Parser-level webhooks: Send events only for a specific parser.
  2. Account-level webhooks: Send all events across your account.

Setting Up Webhooks#

Parser-level Webhooks (Recommended)#

Parser-level webhooks are ideal when you want to handle events from specific parsers in certain applications or workflows. This allows for more granular control and easier integration with specific business processes.

To set up a parser-level webhook:

  1. Navigate to the desired parser.
  2. Go to the "Integrations" tab.
  3. Find the webhook section and enter your endpoint URL.

Parser-level Webhook Setup

Account-level Webhooks#

Account-level webhooks send all events across your account. This is useful for centralized processing of all parsing events.

To set up an account-level webhook:

  1. Go to the API page.
  2. Find the webhook section and enter your endpoint URL.

Account-level Webhook Setup

Webhook Payload#

The webhook payload contains an event, timestamp, and data field. Here's an example:

{    "event": "file_request_status_change",    "timestamp": "2024-07-25T14:30:29.565249",    "data": {        "request_id": "a7813466-6f9a-4c33-8128-427e7a4df755",        "request_status": "completed",        "response_body": {            "file_name": "Q2_Financial_Report_2024.pdf",            "file_presigned_url": "",            "user_error_msg": null,            "template_id": "8e9beda9-5cba-42eb-a70a-b3e5eec9120a",            "template_type": "financial_report",            "template_title": "Quarterly Financial Report Parser",            "num_pages": 15,            "result_json_data": {                "company_name": "TechCorp Innovations Inc.",                "report_period": "Q2 2024",                "financial_highlights": [                    {                        "month": "April",                        "total_revenue": 1250000,                        "net_income": 450000,                        "earnings_per_share": 2.25,                        "operating_cash_flow": 550000                    }                ]            }        },        "created_at": "2024-07-25T14:30:10.696893",        "updated_at": "2024-07-25T14:30:29.565249"    }}

The request_status field can be one of: completed, failed, exception, pending, or processing. When the request_status is completed, the result_json_data field will contain the parsed data.

Example Webhook Implementations#

Flask (Python)#

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])def webhook():    if request.is_json:        data = request.get_json()                event = data.get('event')        request_status = data.get('data', {}).get('request_status')                print(f'Received event: {event}')        print(f'Received request_status: {request_status}')
        # Process the data here as needed        if request_status == 'completed':            parsed_data = data.get('data', {}).get('response_body', {}).get('result_json_data', {})            # Handle the parsed data            print(f'Parsed data: {parsed_data}')
        return jsonify({'message': 'Received'}), 200    else:        return jsonify({'error': 'Expected application/json data'}), 400
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=5000)

Express (Node.js)#

const express = require('express');const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const app = express();app.use(bodyParser.json());'/webhook', (req, res) => {    const data = req.body;        const event = data.event;    const requestStatus =;    console.log(`Received event: ${event}`);    console.log(`Received request_status: ${requestStatus}`);
    // Process the data as needed    if (requestStatus === 'completed') {        const parsedData =;        // Handle the parsed data        console.log('Parsed data:', parsedData);    }
    res.json({message: 'Received'});});
app.listen(5000, () => {    console.log('Server is running on port 5000');});

By implementing webhooks, you can automate your workflow and process parsed data in real-time as soon as it becomes available.