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Parse Document (Deprecated)

You can use the REST API to upload documents directly to DocumentPro. Once uploaded, documents are parsed automatically and available for export from the portal or using the API.

Guide to implementing API#

API Endpoint#


Query Parameters#

You can customize the parsing process by adding the following query parameters to the API endpoint:

  • query_model: Specifies the AI model for parsing. Options are gpt-4o-mini or gpt-4o.
  • page_ranges: Specifies which pages to parse (e.g., "1-3,5,7-9").
  • use_ocr: Set to true to enable OCR processing. It must be true if query_model is set to gpt-3.5-turbo or if using any OCR-related parameters.
  • detect_layout: Set to true to detect document layout (only applies if use_ocr is true).
  • detect_tables: Set to true to detect tables (only applies if use_ocr is true).

Document Segmentation#

  • chunk_by_pages: An integer specifying how many pages to use in each segment for method 1 segmentation.
  • rolling_window: An integer specifying the window size for method 2 segmentation.
  • start_regex: A regex pattern to define where parsing should begin for method 3 segmentation (requires use_ocr=true).
  • end_regex: A regex pattern to define where parsing should end for method 3 segmentation (requires use_ocr=true).
  • split_regex: A regex pattern to split the document into sections for method 4 segmentation (requires use_ocr=true).
  • use_all_matches: Set to true to use all regex matches instead of just the first for methods 3 and 4 (requires use_ocr=true).

These parameters default to the values set in the parser if not specified in the API call. Page ranges do not apply to image files. If page ranges are not specified, all pages will be processed.

Example Implementation using Python#

import requests
parser_id = "your_parser_id"url = f"{parser_id}"
# Add query parametersparams = {    "query_model": "gpt-4o",    "page_ranges": "1-3,5",    "use_ocr": "true",    "detect_layout": "true",    "detect_tables": "true",    "chunk_by_pages": "5",    "use_all_matches": "true"}
payload = {}files = [  ('file', ('filename.pdf', open('filepath/filename.pdf', 'rb'), 'application/pdf'))]headers = {  'x-api-key': 'API_KEY'}
response =, headers=headers, params=params, data=payload, files=files)
if response.status_code == 200:    result = response.json()    print(f"File uploaded successfully. Request ID: {result['request_id']}, Document ID: {result['document_id']}")else:    print('Failed to upload file')    print(response.json())

Example Implementation using Node.js#

const axios = require('axios');const FormData = require('form-data');const fs = require('fs');
const parserId = 'your_parser_id';const url = `${parserId}`;
const form = new FormData();form.append('file', fs.createReadStream('filepath/filename.pdf'));
const params = {  query_model: 'gpt-4o',  page_ranges: '1-3,5',  use_ocr: 'true',  detect_layout: 'true',  detect_tables: 'true',  chunk_by_pages: '5',  use_all_matches: 'true'};, form, {  headers: {    ...form.getHeaders(),    'x-api-key': 'API_KEY'  },  params: params}).then(response => {  console.log(`File uploaded successfully. Request ID: ${}, Document ID: ${}`);}).catch(error => {  console.error('Failed to upload file');  console.error(;});

The API can upload files up to 6MB in size.

The parser_id is the unique identifier for a parser. You can copy it from the settings tab on a parser page.

Template settings

Response body#

A 200 status code will have the following body structure:

{  "success": true,  "request_id": "unique_identifier",  "document_id": "document_unique_identifier"}

For status codes 400, 403, and 500, you will get the following response body:

{  "success": false,  "error": "error message"}