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Export Document Data to File

DocumentPro offers two methods to export parsing results: exporting a single parsed result and exporting results for a date range.

1. Export Single Parsed Result

This endpoint allows you to export the results of a single parsing job to Excel or CSV format.

API Endpoint


Query Parameters

  • request_id (required): The unique identifier of the parsing job.
  • file_format (required): Format of the export file. Options: "csv" or "xlsx".
  • data_layout (required): Layout of the data. Options: "flat" or "line_items".
  • include_filename (optional): Include the filename in the export. Options: "true" or "false".
  • include_request_id (optional): Include the request ID in the results. Options: "true" or "false".
  • merge_field (required if data_layout is "line_items"): The name of a table-type field in the parser to merge.


  • x-api-key (required): Your API key for authentication.

Example Using cURL

curl --location '' \
--header 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'


"success": true,
"file_presigned_url": ""

The file_presigned_url is valid for 1 hour and can be used to download the exported file.

2. Export Results for Date Range

This endpoint allows you to export parsing results for a specific parser over a date range.

API Endpoint


Query Parameters

  • template_id (required): The unique identifier of the parser (also known as parser_id).
  • date_range (required): The range of dates to export. Options: "today", "7_days", "30_days", "90_days".
  • file_format (required): Format of the export file. Options: "csv" or "xlsx".
  • data_layout (required): Layout of the data. Options: "flat" or "line_items".
  • include_filename (optional): Include the filename in the export. Options: "true" or "false".
  • include_request_id (optional): Include the request ID in the results. Options: "true" or "false".
  • merge_field (required if data_layout is "line_items"): The name of a table-type field in the parser to merge.
  • excel_format (optional, applies when file_format is "xlsx"): Format of Excel file. Options: "single_sheet" (default) or "multi_sheet".


  • x-api-key (required): Your API key for authentication.

Example Using Python

import requests

url = ""
headers = {
"x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY"
params = {
"template_id": "a62e2b5f-ccc2-4e2a-8fda-d7bd6579a692",
"date_range": "30_days",
"file_format": "xlsx",
"data_layout": "flat",
"include_filename": "true",
"include_request_id": "true",
"excel_format": "single_sheet"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)

if response.status_code == 200:
result = response.json()
print(f"Export successful. Download URL: {result['file_presigned_url']}")
print("Export failed")


"success": true

The file_presigned_url is sent to your account email and is valid for 1 hour. It can be used to download the exported file.

Important Notes

  1. The file_presigned_url in the response is temporary and will expire after 1 hour.
  2. For the date range export, if excel_format is set to "single_sheet", all results will appear in one sheet. If set to "multi_sheet", each parsing result will appear in its own sheet.
  3. When data_layout is set to "line_items", the merge_field must be specified and should correspond to a table-type field in your parser.
  4. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access the parsing results you're trying to export.

Next Steps

  • Download the exported file using the provided file_presigned_url